Thursday 9 June 2011

Digital Painting Tutorials

Realistic Mango Juice Glass from Scratch

Create a Super Realistic Mango Juice Glass from Scratch Final Image

Step 1

Create new photoshop document of 800 X 1000 pixel filled with white background and name it Glass

Step 2

Creation of Sketch:

Glass sketch created with the help of "Elliptical Marque Tool" and "Pen Tool". Path stroke with pencil size of 3px

Step 3

Fill background layer with 467281.

Create new layer “Top Edge 1”, Set foreground color to
ddded8 . Select brush tool (B), set brush size to 15, hardness 100. Select pen tool and draw path as shown in picture

Step 4

“Convert Point Tool” is still select, right click on path and choose command “stroke Path” with option “simulate pressure”

Step 5

Duplicate “top Edge 1” layer, place duplicate layer below “Top Edge 1” layer, press Ctrl+U for hue/saturation and set lightness to –40.

Step 6

Slightly move new layer few pixels down to achieve the result shown in image

Step 7

Again Duplicate “top Edge 1” and rename it to “Top Edge 3”, duplicate “top edge 1 copy” and rename it "Top Edge 4". Select both newly duplicated layers and Edit - Transform – Flip Vertical

Step 8

Now we have 4 edges layers as shown in picture and their order in layer pallete.

Step 9

Select 4 edges layers and merge them. Call merged layer “Top Edge”

Step 10

Create new layer “Top side edge”, select hard brush of size 7 px, draw path with pen tool as shown in picture and stroke path with black color using option checked-mark “simulate pressure

Step 11

Duplicate “top side edge” layer, flip horizontal by mean of menu command (Edit – Transform – Flip Horizontal). Then place this layer to the left side of glass.

Step 12

Create new layer “Juice”, draw shape with pen tool and fill with color eadd64.

Step 13

Select “Juice Layer” and apply gradient overlay from Layer – Layer Style – Gradient Overlay and set parameter as below

Step 14

Click on gradient and set three color gradient as e7cc72, d5b037 and af7a1e.

Step 15

Create new layer and name it “Juice top”, draw oval with elliptical marquee tool and fill with color eadd64.

Step 16

Right click on “Juice” Layer, choose command “copy layer style”, select “juice top” layer and right click and choose command “Paste Layer Style”, which copy layer style of Juice layer and paste it onto “Juice top” layer.

Step 17

Apply satin layer style to “Juice top” as shown in picture. Set satin color effect to c99f2c

Step 18

Create new layer “Bottom”, draw shape with pen tool and fill it with white. Reduce it opacity to 14

Step 19

Create new layer and call it “Bottom highlight”, draw shape with lasso tool and fill it will white.

Step 20

Apply filter – Blur – Motion blur to “bottom highlight” layer with radius 50 and angle –8

Step 21

Duplicate “bottom highlight”, press ctrl+T for free transform, reduce it size, rotate slighty and place to the left side of glass .

Step 22

Create new layer, name it “Bottom Edge Highlight”, select hard brush of 5 px, select pen tool, create highlight and stroke path with white color “simulate pressure” option.

Step 23

Glass completed so far with layers used.

Step 24

Create new layer and name it “soft highlight”, With the help of Elliptical Marquee Tool, create shape for highlight as below and fill with white color

Step 25

Apply Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur with radius 20. Reduce layer opacity to 80

Step 26

Create new layer “Hard Highlights”,

1. Set foreground color to white and background to black.

2. Select Gradient Tool (G)
3. Select gradient “Foreground to transparent”
4. Make sure “Linear Gradient” is selected
5. Hold left mouse button and drag from top to bottom

Step 27

Duplicate “Hard Highlights” layer, Edit – Transform – Flip Horizontal, place both highlight as shown in picture.

Select both “Hard Highlights” layers, right click and choose command “Merge Layers" as we did before.

Step 28

Now change blending mode of merged layer to “OVERLAY” and reduce opacity to 49. Apply Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur of radius 3.0

Step 29

Hide sketch layer, which we created in the beginning. Create new layer and call it outline. Create path as show below with pen tool and stroke with white color (hard brush 2px size). Make sure to Un-check “simulate pressure”.

Step 30

Duplicate “outline” layer, Edit – Transform – Flip Horizontal and place it to the right side of glass.

Step 31

Merge both outline layers and set opacity of merged layer to 20.

Step 32

In this step we add last detail to our glass. Create new layer and name it “Black Highlight”, draw path as below and stroke with black color, (brush size 10px, Hardness 50). Change blending mode of this layer to “MULTIPLY” and reduce opacity to 25.

Step 33

Change background layer to two color background with “Rectangular Marquee Tool” (M) with color code 384e6d and 516d51.

Step 34

Finally Create new layer above background layer and name it “Shadow”, paint shadow as shown in picture. Then change blending mode of shadow layer to multiply with opacity to 30.

Step 35

My final result with first attempt.
Secondly created again for this tutorial purpose.

Have Fun.

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